Daddy said want to buy me a nice swimsuit. Not those beautiful or sexy 1 thou, coz daddy said its gonna be cold at the beach, its windy. So, better get one which is more suitable, which is not so nice lo.. :( I want to get 1 like baby belle belle.

Cute? Hehehe... Not many can try becoz all too big.. Daddy likes this very much.

Mommy and i prefer this coz its pink color. Me=girl!!! Guess which 1 we bought?

This wasn't the beach i went the first time. This looks even scarier. Strong waves, strong wind, crowded..

Ta-da, me and my sexy mommy. This is the 1 we bought. Did u guess it right? :) It was freezing man. Grrrr.....

Mommy found out it wasn't suitable for me to play at the beach as today's wave was way too strong for me. So we curi curi played water in the hotel pool. :P