Age: 4 years, 4 months, 3 weeks, 4 days old
My old puzzle is no longer challenging for me, I can simply solve it in less than 5 minutes (54-piece). No worries, I still love solving it. Daddy got another puzzle from my aunt (小姑), it's 500 pieces. Not for me, but for himself. Right after solving my old puzzle last night, daddy opened up his 500-piece puzzle, I was so excited. "Yeah! New puzzle", I said.
Happily took out the pieces. Wow, these pieces are much smaller than my puzzle. |
This is the puzzle. I don't know how to say it, but it will be very beautiful when we switch off the light. |
As usual, daddy said separate them into 3 sections (2 lines, 1 line and no line). "This one no line, this one 1 line, this one no line, this one no line, this one no line, this one 1 line.........." |
AH!!! The pieces are too small and too many. I better coloring. =P |
At the end, mommy and daddy solved the puzzle. Spent about 1 hour only solved 4 side lines. Really not easy ah. |