Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Little Painter

Age: 4 years, 8 months & 3 weeks & 4 days old

I love painting very much. Mummy lets me paint a lot nowadays as she needs to take care of my little brother. I'd take all the necessary stuff myself. Eg: paint brush and fill the water in the container myself.  Paint until I satisfied, then wash the brush, clean the floor, and then proudly present my masterpiece to mummy. =P
My first masterpiece of the day. Nice pretty flower.
Second masterpiece. With some hills and GHOSTS. Me stamping the ghost's eyes with my finger. Noticed that I drew a lot of ghosts these days, so mummy asked:

Mummy: "BB ah, why you always draw ghosts?"
YinYue: "Want to show you how to draw ghosts."
Mummy: "Oooo! Then do you scare of ghosts?"
YinYue: "No lah! Last time scared, now no more."
Then the next day, I brought my masterpieces to kindergarten and show my teacher. Teacher said "Wah, that's so nice". 


Alice Law said...

This is beautiful, master piece of art, I love how she placed the colour, simply adorable! Hey, I'm not trying to flatten you, it's true!

mNhL said...

Really very nice. Love that flowers.

Small Kucing said...

Very happy Flowers

ChloeRuoyi said...

Very nice! Yin Yue is really guai... can prepare, paint and clean up all by herself! No need to kacau mummy anymore :)

Merryn said...

That is a very pretty art work :)

Unknown said...

Now you must listen to uncle eugene ok? please ask mommy to keep all those pictures nice nice, who knows one day, when you become a great painter, it will cost million lol.

if yo want you can frame it up and send to uncle eugene also ya..

take care now

Yannie said...

Her painting is very nice and creative.

Yin Yue said...

Thanks Alice, mNhL, SK, Merryn & SY.

@Chloe, mummy purposely place those stuff at my reachable place. So I can take them whenever I feel like painting and put them back when I'm done. Like this mummy save a lot of energy. :p

@ungle Eugene, mummy does keep all my masterpieces. Thanks for the advice ya. Frame and send to u ah, want meh? Wait till I famous la, I sign it and send to u lagi best. :D

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